Monday, September 24, 2012

0 Never Wear Used Shoes

By Jack Hemps

Used Shoes
Today people struggle all the time. The economy is pretty bad and people are getting laid off all the time. Parents and kids look to save money any way they can. They will cut out going to the movies, dinner and a lot of other things. They will even go so far as to wear a pair of someone else's sneakers or shoes if that person does not want them anymore and they are the right size.
Is this a good Idea?
Not really. Now you may be asking yourself why it is not a good idea. The shoes or sneakers or what ever they may be are in good shape. They are the right size. They can be used and you would not have to buy a new pair of shoes. There is a problem.
They may save you money in the short term. They also may cost you big dollars in the long run.
Why is this?
Everyone's feet are different. Different people put pressure on different spots of a shoe. The shoe will wear differently on each individual person. When you get a pair of used shoes from someone, you are asking for problems. There wear on the shoe will be totally different than yours.
This will cause your feet to hurt. It also may lead to a sore back and knee problems to. You will standing or playing sports in these shoes and they will put unnecessary strain on your feet, joints and back. You may go to take a step and twist your ankle due to the shoe being worn in a way that is not suitable for you personally. You may injure a knee or back. The shoes may put a lot of strain on your ligaments and your spine from not being worn in to your personal way of walking or running.
Is it worth using a used pair of shoes?
NO it is not. The medical bills that you may get as a result will tell you this.
More information about training shoes and teva shoes here


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